DataDot Technology USA Inc. provides a number of customisable solutions for client needs.
These solutions can generally be grouped into the areas of Theft Deterrence, Authentication, and if necessary, a mixture of both.

Theft Deterrence
Asset theft is a chronic problem for companies throughout the world. Stolen generic items such as copper wire, metal components, solar panels, batteries, tools and equipment are costing companies BILLIONS of dollars every year. The problem isn’t just replacement value but the true losses to a company through the production and service down time it causes as well as the potential danger to the public with ungrounded areas. Those losses can become a multiplying factor of 100 – 1000 times the replacement cost.

DataDot Technology has developed the DataDotDNA® Theft Deterrent System (TDS) to combat the high level of asset and equipment theft experienced by businesses. This program has a proven track record of reducing theft by over 80%. That is a very strong ROI and a compelling value proposition to our customers. It is a cost effective and very easy to implement solution. Read more…
The counterfeiting industry is a well recognised economic parasite, cutting company profits, subverting government tax revenue and damaging brand reputations. The market value of counterfeit goods globally is estimated to be significantly larger than US$ 1 trillion annually. Originally founded as a joint venture between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the ASX listed company DataDot Technology Ltd (DDT), DataTraceID Pty Ltd is now a wholly owned subsidiary of DDT.
DataTraceID Pty Ltd is a global leader for anti-counterfeiting and brand protection solutions, working with many well-known brands and government authorities in a number of countries. Read more…