Many an opportunistic thief has cast their parasitic gaze over the empty expanse of an unmanned construction site. If the right preventative measures are not in place, expensive tools and machinery (even copper when the prices are high) will disappear overnight, with little project managers can do but make a police report and order more supplies.
Just last month, a syndicate of thieves specifically targeting construction sites was brought down in America. Within the same week, an Aussie couple were caught doing midnight stealth raids, headlights off, on building sites around the Lake Macquarie area. Both sets of pilferers were denied bail and charged with a string of offences.
The sanctions for thieving are severe for those who get caught. However the lure of expensive tools and machinery seems too great for many people, with construction site theft accounting for losses in the millions for the industry as a whole. Which is why it’s important for companies to have visible and powerful strategies in place to keep thieving humans honest when they lack the willpower to control themselves.